Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Celebrating Summer Reading

            The Calhoun County Library is sad to announce that the 2024 CSLP Adventure Begins at Your Library Summer Reading Program has come to an end. However, we could not end this successful summer without a celebration for all our participants!

            The 2024 Summer Reading Program Finale occurred on Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 10:30 AM. We had over 100 patrons attend this event. The Ukaloonies performed multiple songs with dances and the crowd helped sing along. Every child received a snack, craft, multiple free books, Randolph Italian Ice, and a bookbag with school supplies from the Jeffcoat Law Firm!

            During the finale, we gave away participation certificates to everyone who registered and logged any minutes and completion certificates to everyone who won this challenge! That was not the only thing we gave away during this program either. Our grand prize winners were also announced during the finale. We upped our game because our community almost doubled the number of participants as last year so, we gave away four bikes and four Kindles. Abigail Bozard, Caleb Curry, Bella White, and Loren Ott were our lucky winners for the bikes! Molly Lewellen, Timothy Neil, Mason Reddick, and Linda Huddleston were our lucky winners of the Kindles! The system selected these winners and they gained entries into this drawing by logging minutes. Every hour they read, their name went into the pot to win and these eight participants were this year’s 2024 Summer Reading Program winners!

            Now on to some really great numbers!

            We had 140 early literacy, children, teens, and adults registered for the Summer Reading Program.

            Out of those 140 people, we had 50 complete the challenge! That means that they read 10 or more hours over the whole summer!

            In total, between all the reading groups, the registered readers of the Calhoun County Library read over 96,460 minutes! That’s over 66 full days of just reading!

            The Calhoun County Library is so thankful for everyone who participated in our Summer Reading Program this summer. It was a lovely success between all the programs, readers, prizes, and great community interaction! Thank you to everyone who came to a program, registered, logged minutes, checked out books, and overall promoted how important reading is. Programs like this would not be possible without our sponsors. Thank you to the Institute of Museum and Library Services, South Carolina State Library, Taco Bell, Chick-fil-A, Save the Children, and the Jeffcoat Law Firm.

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